Christmas Cards & Raffle for Cancer Care


Our 2018 Christmas Cards and Christmas Raffle campaigns were in support of Cancer Care in St. Vincent’s. The Christmas Raffle Draw took place on Wednesday 19th December. Thank you to all our staff, patients and supporters who contributed to a very successful draw.

The total proceeds of our Christmas Card / Raffle sales came to over €7,200.

We want to especially thank all our colleagues who sold raffle tickets at Main Reception in the hospital, in St. Vincent’s Private Hospital and KSG in St. Vincent’s for their contribution to this terrific success.

Congratulations to all who won prizes in our raffle, which included staff, patients and visitors.

  We are particularly thankful to the following who generously donated prizes

Bianconi’s Bistro, Merrion Road               

Clayton Hotel, Ballsbridge


Harbour Mill Westport

Harvey Norman, Carrickmines                  

Home Instead Senior Care 


Merrion Inn


Talbot Hotel Stillorgan

Tony Walsh’s Allcare Pharmacy                

Gloria Winterlich 


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