Blossom Tree Ball 2020 in memory of Jenny McGovern (Taaffe)
Pippa O’Connor and her husband Brian Ormond host an annual Blossom Tree Ball, in aid of different charities. The 2020 event held in February last, was in aid of the Jenny McGovern Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Database in St. Vincent’s University Hospital. Jenny was a good friend and mentor to Pippa & Brian and sadly passed away from Pancreatic Cancer in August 2019. All funds from the ball were to go to finance the development of a Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Database in St. Vincent’s .
The 2020 function was a record success raising funds and pledges totalling almost €203,000. This will enable the work for the database to commence immediately. It will make a major contribution to the successful treatment of patients with Pancreatic Cancer.
Jenny’s husband, Alan, expressed the motivation so well on the fundraising page as follows:
“In memory of Jenny McGovern (Taaffe), who passed away in August 2019 following a devastating Pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2018.
One of Jenny’s final wishes was to help others. She wanted her death to be used as a catalyst to raise the profile of this awful disease. Currently in Ireland, the HSE have an administrative database which provides certain key performance indicators of the National Cancer Control Programme but does not allow for the collection or interrogation of clinical details for Pancreatic Cancer”
Words cannot adequately express our thanks to Alan, Pippa and Brian for this amazing contribution to St Vincent’s and our patients,
The photos below capture the presentation of the fundraising proceeds.

L-R Mr John Hickey, Prof. Kevin Conlon, James & Rory McGovern, Pippa O’Connor, Mr Tom Gallagher and Dr David Fennelly